Bosco Seva Kendra (BSK) organized a felicitation program for the outgoing and the new provincial of the Salesian province of Hyderabad on 19th April 2022 at Don Bosco Provincial House, Hyderabad by MACs, BSK & DHISHA staff. The MAC Coordinator and BSK team members expressed their sentiments of gratitude to the outgoing and the new provincial. The outgoing provincial was thanked profusely by Mr. Raja MACs Chittoor team coordinator. On this auspicious occasion, he expressed the great contribution made by Fr. Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar and his relentless service to the poor and the marginalized population, especially for his concern shown to each of them during Covid 19.
He called upon the team members to felicitate our outgoing provincial with a shawl and bouquet for his committed service to the province for six years. Prior to Fr Bellamkonda Sudhakar SDB, the Executive Director of BSK welcomed the gathering for this special event. He said it is our duty and responsibility to express our gratitude to our leaders who guide us in taking forward the mission of Don Bosco in our region. He also said that last four years we could accomplish much due to the support of the provincial team, especially during Covid 19 relief services. He was facilitated by MACs, BSK, and DHISHA teams separately.
Mr. Ratna Raju the MAC program coordinator extended his warm welcome to Fr. Thomas Santiagu the new provincial who has ventured to make a difference in the Salesian mission in the Hyderabad Province inviting him to look towards new horizons and even beyond. Mr. Ratna Raju also recalled his contribution to the MACs program and the following of staff. He also recalled the way he has brought changes through his forwarding by the use of modern technology in the MACs program.
Fr. Sarath the Assistant Director of BSK expressed his sentiments of gratitude to everyone gathered. A special note of thanks to the outgoing provincial Fr. Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar and extended his heartfelt congratulations to the new provincial Fr. Thomas Santiagu, which was felicitated in a short program organized by BSK team members This indeed was a moment to remember the wonderful six years that Fr. Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar journeyed together as a provincial who have the courage to make a difference to the Salesian mission in the Hyderabad Province.This beautiful event came to an end with the message given by former and present provincials.Fr Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar said that MACs are the best model of accompaniment for families.
It is a lot of joy and contentment as we are reaching out to so many families through this program. Fr Thomas Santiagu said that our MACs should not be like that of financial institutions that give loans and collect them back. Our mission should be to make each of them into small financial institutions that in turn to help their neighbours and society at large. With the word of appreciation and gratitude by Fr. Bellamkonda Sudhakar and wishing Fr. Thomas Santiagu all the best as leader of the province for the coming six years as Provincial and wishing Fr. Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar all the success in his new assignment.